Initiative Participation

United Nations Global Compact

The UNGC is the world’s largest sustainability initiative, bringing together the United Nations and the private sector to build a healthy global society.
It is a voluntary initiative for companies and organizations to act as good members of society and achieve sustainable growth through responsible and creative leadership.
NH Foods Ltd. joined the UNGC in May 2023 to support and promote initiatives in accordance with the UN’s Ten Principles across the four fields of human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption.

The Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact

Human Rights Principle 1 Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights
Principle 2Make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses


Principle 3 Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining
Principle 4 The elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour
Principle 5 The effective abolition of child labour
Principle 6 The elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation
Environment Principle 7 Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges
Principle 8 Undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility
Principle 9 Encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies
Anti-Corruption Principle 10 Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery

Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)

A task force established in 2015 by the Financial Stability Board (FSB), an international organization in which central banks and financial regulators from major countries participate. In June 2017, the final report released recommendations on voluntary disclosure with the aim of encouraging companies and other organizations to identify and disclose the financial impacts of climate change risks and opportunities.

In June 2020, NH foods Ltd. endorsed the proposal presented by TCFD and in fiscal 2021 became a member of TCFD Consortium which was established to discuss measures by companies and financial institutions that endorse the TCFD to effectively disclose information and use disclosed information to make appropriate investment decisions by financial institutions and other


Japan Climate Initiative (JCI)

Japan Climate initiative (JCI) is a network that aims to strengthen the distribution and exchange of information among companies, local governments, NGOs, and others in Japan in order to achieve a low-carbon society.
NH foods Ltd. became a member of JCI iin 2018.


Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil(RSPO)

The RSPO was established in 2004 by seven organizations, including the WWF, in response to growing global demand for environmentally sustainable palm oil.
NH Foods Ltd. joined in August 2020 and set a target of switching 100% of the palm oil used for cooking products to sustainable palm oil by 2030.
In the future, we will contribute to solving the environmental and human rights issues surrounding palm oil by using RSPO-certified oil.


30by30 Alliance for Biodiversity

The 30by30 Alliance for Biodiversity was established as a voluntary coalition comprised of government bodies, companies, NPOs, and more with the goal of “30 by 30;” conserving and protecting at least 30% of the country’s land and sea areas by 2030.
The purpose is to expand and improve the quality of management of protected areas such as national parks, and to register corporate forests, agricultural forests, etc., in an international database as OECM* to promote their conservation.

NH Foods Ltd. joined the organization in 2023 and is working to conserve biodiversity.

Note: Other Effective area-based Conservation Measures. Areas that are being protected through efforts in the private sector, etc., and areas where management not intended for conservation ends up contributing to protecting the natural environment.


The Consumer Goods Forum(CGF)

CGF is a global consumer goods distribution industry network that has formed eight action coalitions to address strategic issues in non-competitive areas.
NH Foods Ltd. joined in 2010 and collects information on domestic and global activities.
Currently, we participate in the Steering Committee of the GFSI (Global Food Safety Initiative) Japan Local Group and the Social Sustainability Working Group of the Japan Sustainability Local Group, working to solve supply chain problems that are difficult to solve alone.

The Consumer Goods FORUM