Creating Healthy Workplaces

Creating Healthy Workplaces

Ensuring the healthy mind and body, and safety of every employee is an essential precondition for achieving the NH Foos Group’s corporate philosophies. The Group takes measures to create work environments where employees can work cheerfully and with reassurance.

Health and Safety Declaration

Health and Safety Declaration

Achieving Vision 2030
The Group’s corporate philosophy is to contribute to society by realizing the Joy of Eating and to be a company where “employees can feel truly happy and fulfilled”.
In Vision 2030, which sets out what we want to achieve by 2030, we have identified the Five Materialities (key issues) , one of which is “employee development and respect for diversity”.
To achieve these goals, we need to become a workplace where all employees have a healthy mind and body, and can grow while displaying their true abilities. The Group will support voluntary activities among the employees to maintain and promote their health, including their families, and actively promote the creation of vibrant work environments to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society.

Note:This declaration was issued both internally and externally by the President and Representative Director of NH Foods Ltd. at the time on July 11, 2022.

Health Management and Health Support System

Occupational healthcare staff, human resources departments, and health insurance associations work together to promote health management through appropriate management in accordance with the Industrial Safety and Health Act and various health maintenance and improvement support measures.

Health Management System

The Group companies in Japan have concluded comprehensive industrial health contracts and have begun implementing initiatives such as a support program for returning to work, follow-up action after physical examinations, consultation and guidance from industrial physicians, and workplace inspections. We have also established an external consultation channel for discussing mental healthcare and we are establishing frameworks that enable employees to discuss mental health freely.

Health Support System

Under the Health and Safety Declaration, NH Foods Ltd. promotes health support measures in cooperation with the NH Foods Health Insurance under the leadership of the Human Resources Department. These initiatives are then shared with Group companies through each meeting body, leading to active promotion.

Mental, Physical, and Occupational Health and Safety

Through initiatives to protect the safety and health of our employees, we are working to create workplaces where employees can work with peace of mind and take care of their mental and physical health.

Physical Health

We are promoting physical health by advancing initiatives incorporating two aspects of healthcare, response (follow-up action after physical examinations) and prevention (diet, exercise, and not smoking).
In addition to encouraging medical institutions to reexamine employees based on the results of health checkups, we are also working to dispel health concerns through health guidance and health consultations provided by occupational healthcare staff, and to prevent serious illness by encouraging good dietary and exercise habits.
To enhance the effect of prevention, we are supporting activities to improve and maintain employees’ health through initiatives such as prohibiting smoking during regular working hours and holding seminars that encourage employees to review exercise and eating habits.

Physical health

Data on Support physical and mental health

Mental health

The stress check system, which became mandatory in December 2015, is implemented for all employees, including those in workplaces with fewer than 50 employees, to encourage employees to be aware of and deal with their own stress.
The results of group analyses are fed back to each workplace to help create a pleasant working environment.
In order to increase the effectiveness of utilizing the results of these group analyses, support is being provided through the creation and distribution of instructional videos and the holding of line care workshops by medical professionals.

Data on Support physical and mental health

Health Literacy

Aiming to realize health management, we are also working to improve the health literacy of each and every employee by expanding educational opportunities and enhancing the dissemination of information.
In terms of expanding educational opportunities, in addition to enhancing the training programs offered at each level, we are also offering e-learning line care education for managers and self-care education for general employees to prevent mental health issues from arising. Opinions regarding these results are collected through employee questionnaires, which are used to brush up on existing measures and consider new measures for the next fiscal year and beyond.
In addition to disseminating information through our in-house and email newsletters, we also hold seminars by outside experts and more.

Occupational Safety and Health

Aiming for zero occupational accidents occupational health and safety management systems have been introduced at the Group’s manufacturing plants to build and maintain safe working environments.
We also work to prevent accidents through regular meetings of the Health and Safety Committee, which acts as a venue for sharing information from each workplace such as the status of inspections, progress made on countermeasures, and opinions from employees. In regard to safety efforts concerning machinery in particular, in addition to taking engineering-based measures, we also focus on thorough employee education in order to realize workplace environments that are considerate of workers.

We have built a database regarding the occurrence of occupational accidents and countermeasures taken, which is shared on a regular basis.
This system enables employees responsible for safety at the workplaces where an industrial accident occurs to register the situation, cause of the accident, and measures taken, in a database that allows those details to be regularly shared with employees responsible for safety at other workplaces in order to prevent similar accidents from occurring in the future. In addition, since 2021, we have strengthened our efforts to prevent similar accidents by adding a collection of good practices from each workplace to the database.
We also regularly hold risk assessment study sessions and seminars with outside lecturers, especially for employees responsible for safety, in order to build knowledge and strengthen coordination.

Data on Occupational Accidents

External Evaluations

Oh March 11, 2024, NH Foods Ltd. was recognized as a 2024 Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organization (large corporations category) under the Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program, jointly selected by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Nippon Kenko Kaigi.
This is the third consecutive year that our company has been recognized, following last year.

Health and productivity 2023