Third-Party Verification

The NH Foods Group has undertaken ongoing initiatives to safeguard the environment since formulating its Environmental Charter in 1998. We endeavor to disclose information regarding these efforts on our website and in our social and environmental reports.

To ensure that this data is appropriate, in fiscal 2018 we commissioned SGS Japan Inc. to conduct third-party verifications of the methodology used to calculate and the suitability of the calculation scope about greenhouse gas emissions and water consumptions.

Scope of the assurance


stakeholder management process
greenhouse gas(GHG) emissions(Scope 1, 2(*1), and 3)
energy consumption
water consumption
the management systems supporting the reporting process

Note1: Greenhouse gases covered
Carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide

Period covered

April 1, 2022 to March 31, 2023

The Scope of each assurance is limited to the subsidiaries plants,sales offices,logistics hubs,headquarters,branches and laboratories.


Onsite verification of quantitative data
Nippon Pure food, Inc. Isesaki Plant and Nippon Logistics Center, Inc. Osaka Nanko office

PDF [ 209KB / 3 pages ]

Greenhouse Gas Emissions(Scope1, 2)

Source Consumption and Emissions Greenhouse Gas Emissions
(Metric tons CO2 equivalent)
Scope1 Japan Gasoline 773 L 2
Kerosene 15,857,728 L 39,478
Light Oil 10,806 L 28
Heavy fuel oil A 17,595,698 L 47,678
Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) 7,891,678 kg 23,666
Liquefied natural gas (LNG) 5,012,810 kg 13,548
City gas 26,837,818 m3 59,956
Gasoline (vehicles) 879,947 L 2,043
Light oil(vehicles) 9,305,268 L 24,054
Waste 799,800 kg 2,039
Methane 1,090,385 kg 27,260
Nitrous oxide 321,390 kg 95,774
Subtotal 335,526
Overseas Gasoline 7,290 L 17
Kerosene 125 L 0
Light Oil 174,739 L 464
Heavy fuel oil A 456,000 L 1,419
Thermal coal 2,649,180 kg 6,456
Hard coal 11,205,390 kg 27,229
Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) 1,470,888 kg 4,393
Liquefied natural gas (LNG) 635,761 kg 984
Natural gas 547,741 m3 1,035
Natural gas 82,403 GJ 4,236
Natural gas 482,599 therm 2,553
City gas 8,785 m3 18
City gas 53,525 therm 283
Gasoline (vehicles) 203,467 L 467
Gasoline (vehicles) 11,358 gal 101
Light oil(vehicles) 1,529,816 L 4,098
Light oil(vehicles) 112,599 gal 1,146
Methane 3,820,544 kg 106,975
Nitrous oxide 12,958 kg 3,434
Subtotal 165,308
Total 500,834
Scope2 Japan Steam 21,589,794 MJ 1,231
Electricity Location base 557,911,143 kWh 246,039
Market base 557,911,143 kWh 236,007
Subtotal Location base 247,269
Market base 237,238
Overseas Steam 80,614,433 MJ 6,097
Electricity Location base 156,815,449 kWh 79,535
Market base 156,815,449 kWh 79,535
Subtotal Location base 85,632
Market base 85,632
Total Location base 332,902
Market base 322,870
Scope1,2 Total Location base 833,736
Market base 823,704

Note:Greenhouse gas emissions about Scope 1 and Scope 2 are calculated by using factors in "Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures" in Japan

Location base is calculated by the alternative value which is annual electric power company's emission factors (above the law)
Market base is calculated by each annual electric power company's emission factors (above the law)

Overseas sites
Primarily use laws and regulations or guideliness of the country or region where each company or office is located. If these are unkown, use coefficients of the "Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures" in Japan.
If the location base is unknown, use the Emissions Factors provided by the IEA.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Scope3)

Category CO2(thousand t-CO2) Composition ratio (%)
1. Purchased goods and services 8,599 83.8
2. Capital goods 159 1.6
3. Fuel and energy related activities (not included in Scope 1 or Scope 2) 79 0.8
4. Upstream transportation and distribution 809 7.9
5. Waste generated in operations 44 0.4
6. Business travel 7 0.1
7. Employee commuting 54 0.5
8. Upstream leased assets 5 0.0
9. Downstream transportation and distribution - -
10. Processing of sold products 242 2.4
11. Use of sold products 145 1.4
12. End-of-life treatment of sold products 115 1.1
13. Downstream leased assets - -
14. Franchises - -
15. Investments - -
Total 10,258 100

Note: Scope 3 are calculated which is based on our scenario by category, which referred to "Basic Guidelines On Accounting for Greenhouse Gas Emissions throughout the Supply Chain (in Japan)".The emission unit of calculation is used or referred to below.
Scope of coverage is domestic
"Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures" in Japan about each year
"Database of Emissions Unit Values on the Same Accounting for Greenhouse Gas Emissions throughout the Supply Chain in Japan

Water Consumption

  Water Source Water withdrawal and Water consumption (thousand m3)
Japan City Water 2,006
Industrial Water 1,652
Underground Water 10,603
Sea water 0
Subtotal 14,261
Overseas City Water 1,571
Industrial Water 669
Underground Water 1,072
Surface water 771
Sea water 16
Subtotal 4,100
Total City Water 3,577
Industrial Water 2,321
Underground Water 11,676
Surface water 771
Sea water 16
Total 18,360

Note: Withdrowing Underground Water Contain a Estimation in Production Sector.