Responsible Water Usage

Reuse of Used Water

Reuse of Water through Advanced Wastewater Treatment

Nippon Clean Farm Co., Ltd. is the NH Foods Group’s pig rearing company and it ships the largest amount of pig products in Japan. In January 2022, it began operation of an advanced reverse osmosis (RO) filtration unit at its Donan Office which uses RO filtration to filter the impurities from wastewater.
As more than 80% of the treated water is reusable, this method can significantly reduce water consumption. The reclaimed water is used for cleaning and other tasks.

Reuse of Used Water

Reusing Coolant Water

At food products plants operated by the Nippon White Farm Group which is in charge of the production, treatment, and processing of chicken, 10% of water consumed is reused water.
Most of this reused water is water kept at a temperature of between 2 and 5°C which is used for refrigerating carcasses after processing.
Carcass refrigeration has two stages, precooling and main refrigeration. Some of the water used for main refrigeration is mainly reused for precooling. Overflow water used for precooling is mainly reused as cleaning water at the showers during the preprocessing stage.

Circular Use of Water Resources

In Australia, Oakey Beef Exports of the NH Foods Group specializes in cattle processing. Oakey Beef Exports has been undertaking efforts to optimize the use of water resources. Wastewater generated at the facility is used as irrigation water at farmlands which produces crops for use as livestock feeds.

Circular Use of Water Resources